Prof. Alberto LázaroDepartment of Modern Philology, University of Alcalá, Spain Introduction: Alberto Lázaro is Professor of English Literature at the University of Alcalá, Spain, since 1987. His extensive research centres around British and Irish fiction, with a specific emphasis on censorship, historical fiction and translation. In recent years, he published H. G. Wells en España (2004) and Censorship across Borders (2011, coedited with Catherine O’Leary). His works also include essays on Virginia Woolf, James Joyce and H. G. Wells featured in three volumes of “The Reception of British Authors in Europe” series, edited by Elinor Shaffer and published in London by Continuum. His recent research endeavours focus on texts related the Spanish Civil War by British and Irish authors, leading to the critical editions and Spanish translations of Claude Cockburn’s Reporter in Spain (2012) and Irish author Peadar O’Donnell’s Salud!: An Irishman in Spain (2019). |
Assoc.Prof. Soraya Garcia-EstebanFaculty of Education | University of Alcala (Spain) Introduction: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Soraya Garcia-Esteban holds a Ph.D. in Modern Languages, Literature and Translation from Universidad de Alcalá (UAH) and a M.A. from University of the West of England. After years of experience in several European higher education institutions, she is the current coordinator of the UAH-MFP Master of Education (English) and full time lecturer in Teacher Training, ESP, CLIL and ELT methodology in Alcala University. Her interest and participation in international innovation and research projects related to educational virtual exchanges for competence development in EMI contexts integrating technology, pedagogy and content knowledge (TPACK), has resulted in several academic communications and publications. Dr. Garcia-Esteban co-lead Eramus+ project ErasmusX “Online courses for mobile students” and participates in Erasmus+ project "e-Close- A model for Interactive (A)Synchronous Learning in Online STEM Education". |